Thank You Meridian!
I'm a Meridian mom, your neighbor in District 2, and your representative on Meridian City Council.
I ran for Meridian City Council in 2019 and again in 2023 because I wanted our residents to have a stronger voice with all of the growth we are experiencing. I am honored to have the opportunity to represent you on our City Council for four more years! Thank you for your support and your trust in me.
Here are my values in action:

Conservative Approach on Growth
Listening to feedback from neighborhoods as we grow helps us to build a better City.
Responsible growth is our #1 priority
Put density near transportation corridors
Use priority growth areas
To build trust, I do not accept developer campaign donations

Safe Community
Whether its our amazing parks, or our fantastic events, Meridian's success is due to our focus on centering families & having a safe community.
Safety is the foundation of a successful city
Improving response times is critical to protecting Meridian families
Endorsed by Meridian Firefighters Local 4627
Endorsed by Fraternal Order of Police, Treasure Valley

Careful Use of Our Resources
Committed to remaining a debt-free city and saving taxpayer dollars.
Long-term perspective
Lower operating costs
Careful with conserving our resources
Saving before we spend makes us successful

Sticks up for Meridian
Vocal on the key issues:
Growth must pay for itself
Advocates for public safety
Strong partnerships with ACHD and West Ada
Outspoken in defense of community institutions including our police department, hospitals, libraries, and other pillars
Want more information? Short informal videos on all the key issues

Campaign to Elect Liz Strader YouTube
A little about me..
I was born and raised in the Treasure Valley and I ran for office for the first time in 2019. My neighbors and I wanted a strong voice on our City Council and a good listener.
Since graduating from College of Idaho, my career has taken me to many unexpected places: a career in finance in New York City, working while going to NYU, starting businesses, investing in startups, raising and schooling my (now four!) children, volunteering, and serving my community right here in Meridian.
I'm a nerd at heart. On city council, I'm notorious for my spreadsheets. I like delving deep into how we can make the best decisions for Meridian.
I care about:
Developing our local Meridian economy including our job base so fewer people need to add to traffic to get to work
Growing wisely while protecting our quality of life
Expecting developers to meet the high standards that Meridian deserves
Keeping Meridian debt-free

- Finding sustainable approaches to save money for taxpayers through reduced future operating costs
Embracing proven technology to conserve our resources
Collaborating with our partners at ACHD and West Ada to collectively address the challenges that come from growth with schools and traffic
Respecting our neighborhoods and the heritage that makes Meridian special
I love to stay busy! My favorite things to do in my spare time are spending quality time with my husband and kids, reading great books, volunteering at my synagogue and practicing my faith, baking homemade bread, doing craft projects and traveling. Thanks for visiting the Liz Strader campaign website.